Be a Membership

Be a Membership


Be a Membership

Be a Naaer Member. The Possibilities are endless.

Naaer is a group of agents who are exclusively recruiting students for Australian higher education and training institutions. Becoming Naaer member means adding value to your business. Membership will be renewed every year and each member has to abide by the rules and meet the criteria for renewal of the membership.

Membership Criteria

  • Must be actively involved in the consultancy field for 2 years or more.
  • Must be recognized and ethical educational consultant in Nepal that has good image in the industry.
  • Must not be involved in any criminal and dishonest activities.
  • Members should have atleast 3 University and 2 Tafe or Higher Education University agreement.
  • Should have atleast 1 QEAC agent.
  • If it’s a franchise company, the principle company should have the requirement mentioned above.