Together We Grow
NAAER is organizing a social initiative programme to promote education, culture Lifestyle & Business of both Australia and Nepal called “Together we grow, Nepal and Australia”. It is a joint venture program of NAAER and Saujanya Media established to promote Australia and Nepal relationship and trade. It also aims to bring awareness among the community about the value the two country generates and the future opportunities both countries can gain in coming years.The program is supported by ANAA (Association of Nepalese Alumni of Australia), NACCI (Nepal Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
Objectives of the Program:
- To promote education, culture and trade that is shared between two countries.
- To find and show case the success stories of Australian graduates through ANAA and the value of Australian education that Nepal can benefit from.
- To aware new students to go to quality institutions to study in Australia.
- To increase the reputation of Australian education in Nepal.
- To support ANAA in the “Come Back Home” campaign for the contribution towards development of Nepal.
- To promote Visit Nepal 2020 via Nepalese student network in Australia and invite the people of Australia to visit Nepal.
- To increase the trade between two countries through NACCI.
- To raise issues on the trade issues between two countries and help in smooth bureaucratic process and policy reform for both countries trade benefits.
- To promote and highlight the Nepalese and Australian brand and products in both countries.
- To cover stories of Nepalese students who became entrepreneurs in Nepal or in Australia with Australian education and experience.
- To cover stories of business houses in Australia owned by Nepalese.
- To build strong tie up and network among the Australian and Nepalese community to bring two countries closer and more connected.
- To work closely with the DHA, DET, MOE Nepal and related organization to build the overall image of Australian education in Nepal.
- Fact finding report live from Australia or Nepal.
- Promote lifestyle of both countries.
- Cover success stories of Nepalese Australian graduates living in Australia or in Nepal
Managed by NAAER :
Supported by Saujanya Media: